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Translated by Google) I just wanted to go to Garosugil and visited the second rich pizza shop for the first time, but he was more delicious because of my mood. I wanted to eat more, but I was hungry, so... it stopped. A pizza that feels very healthy with a lot of rocket original) 가로수길점만 부자피자 부자피자 2 2 Yet첫방문인데 첫방문인데 기 기 기 맛있었! 더 싶었는데 배가 불러서 불러서.... 멈췄습니다. 루꼴라가 아주... View all feedback.
Translated by Google) I just wanted to go to Garosugil and visited the second rich pizza shop for the first time, but he was more delicious because of my mood. I wanted to eat more, but I was hungry, so... it stopped. A pizza that feels very healthy with a lot of rocket original) 가로수길점만 부자피자 부자피자 2 2 Yet첫방문인데 첫방문인데 기 기 기 맛있었! 더 싶었는데 배가 불러서 불러서.... 멈췄습니다. 루꼴라가 아주 아주 느낌의 피자 피자
Übersetzt von Google) Der Standort des zweiten Geschäfts hat sich geändert. der Schnitt des ehemaligen Buddha befand Hotel Reservation System _ 연락처 Der Grund, warum ich einen Stern herausgenommen habe, ist, dass es hier nicht so nett ist. Original This is the first floor of the original building that has a former brush cut. Previously, the Valet parking cost is about 10,000 won, but now it is a common level of 3 thousand won. The biggest feature here is the most recent European pizza house, and it’s also a delicious place, but it’s not the only one of the most delicious, but I think it’s still one of the pizza houses that you’ll need to take a look at the best pizza dow and rajaya. In the case of sardines, it's too soft and slightly salty, and it's so delicious that the taste of the wheat flour is soft. We recommend Margarita pizza individually. In the case of lajagna, the proper salty meat tomato sauce and texture are too impressive. However, if you are not familiar with the European Lajagna, you may think that you feel or feel. This is because the reasons why you do not interfere with one star.
Übersetzt von Google) Dies ist der beste Ort, um Pizza in Hannam-dong zu essen. Natürlich gab es keinen Grund, sich an die Öffnungszeiten des Tages zu halten, aber als ich sie auf dem Weg nach draußen warten sah, dachte ich, ich wäre gut, früh aufzustehen und zum Essen zu kommen. Ich kannte das Menü jedoch nicht im Voraus und entschied mich einfach dazu. Wenn Sie mit italienischen Pizzen und Menüs vertraut sind, werden Sie 120% Geschmack und Atmosphäre genießen. Original) 한남동에서 분위기있게 피자를 먹기에는 여기가 짱입니다. 물론 낮에 오픈 시간에 맞추어 가서 줄 설 이유는 없었지만 다 먹고 나오는 길에 줄서서 기다리는 모습을 보니 일찍 일어나서 먹으러 오길 잘했다는 생각이 들었습니다. 다만 메뉴를 미리 잘 알지 못하고 그냥 마음가는데로 선택해서 그런지 우리가 원하던 맛은 나오지 않았습니다. 조금 더 이탈리안식 피자나 메뉴를 잘 알고 간다면 120% 맛과 분위기를 즐기고 올 수 있을 것입니다.
Übersetzt von Google) Die Männer, die arbeiten, sind freundlich und das Essen ist köstlich. Ich weiß nicht, ob es Absicht war, aber es war schön, dass das Essen in Ordnung und gleichzeitig herauskam. Fleisch Deokura Fleischsauce Gratin war köstlich. Ich empfehle auch die Zucchini-Pommes. Die Pizza sah noch leckerer aus. Die Menge ist etwas klein. Es waren 1 Mann, 1 Frau und 2 Personen, also bestellten wir 3 davon und aßen es gut. Original) 일하시는 남자분들 친절하고 음식도 맛있어요. 의도하신건지 모르겠지만 음식이 순서대로 비슷한 시간에 나와서 좋았어요. 고기덕후라 미트소스 그라탕 맛있었네요. 쭈꾸미튀김도 추천해요. 피자는 저것보다 더 맛있는게 많아보였어요. 양이 좀 적네요. 남1여1 2명이서 저렇게 3개 시켜서 잘 먹었습니다.
Übersetzt von Google) Es scheint, dass ich die beste Pizza in Korea gegessen habe Die Atmosphäre ist gut und der Geschmack ist gut Es gibt nur nicht viele Arten von Alkohol, aber es ist sehr befriedigend Original) 好像在韓國吃過最好吃的一次pizza 氣氛環境也好,味道也好 只是酒類種類不算多,但十分滿足
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