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Translated by Google) The tomato eggs of katoms are slightly sharp. The amount of noodles is somewhat lower. It's good to eat with dumplings. Original) ‡토멘의 토마토 계란 계란 살짝 매운 들 들 들 들 있습니다 있습니다 면 살짝 적습니다 적습니다. 군만두랑 먹으니 좋 좋 좋 enclosing phrase. View all feedback.
Translated by Google) There are tables outside and tables inside. At noon there are usually waiting times. The menu is sold as a single tomato dish menu. You can choose between raw noodles, Udon noodles and Konjac noodles. You can also add pasta and cheese. I also added Mozzarella cheese. The tomato wheel came out immediately after our order and it was intense. From tomato soup to cheese it is a great look. The soup, which is a combination of bovine bone broth and tomatoes, has a hearty taste. It was good and I liked the unique sweet and spicy taste. Why do local office staff come to Haejang at noon? It is understandable The cheese was mixed with the broth and egg and had a good tough texture. I recommend the original without additives. If you want additional rice, you can also provide eggs and garlic. It fits very well with the broth. 자리는
Übersetzt von Google) Tomaten-Ramen ist köstlich! Es ist, als würde man rohe Nudeln in einer Suppe aus Tomaten-Ei-Pfanne essen, die in einem Lammspieß-Restaurant verkauft wird. Nudeln sind dünne, frische Nudeln, die leicht zu schlucken sind, und die dicke Suppe hat genau die richtige Menge an Gewürzen. Original) 토마토라멘 맛있다! 양꼬치집에서 파는 토마토계란볶음을 국물로 만들어서 생면넣어 먹는 느낌인데, 면발도 가는 생면으로 목넘김이 좋고, 걸쭉한 국물도 간이 딱 좋다.
Translated by Google) The tomato eggs of katoms are slightly sharp. The amount of noodles is somewhat lower. It's good to eat with dumplings. Original) ‡토멘의 토마토 계란 계란 살짝 매운 들 들 들 들 있습니다 있습니다 면 살짝 적습니다 적습니다. 군만두랑 먹으니 좋 좋 좋 enclosing phrase.
Übersetzt von Google) Eine würzige Suppe mit Tomaten, die exquisit zum Umami hinzugefügt werden. Eier werden freigesetzt und verklagt. Die Menge der hinzugefügten Nudeln ist ziemlich groß, also sollten sie von zwei Personen geteilt werden, oder? Original) 토마토가 절묘하게 감칠맛을 더한 얼큰한 국물. 계란이 풀어져 고소합니다. 면 추가는 양이 꽤 많으니 두분이 나눠 드셔야 할듯?
Übersetzt von Google) Ich habe es kennengelernt, als ich 2014 einen Job bei einem nahe gelegenen Unternehmen bekam, aber bei jedem Besuch schmeckt es gleich. Das Menü scheint sich nach und nach zu ändern. Früher hieß es Tomakaramen, jetzt ist es Tomaten-Ramen. Wenn ich hierher komme, esse ich immer Tomaten-Ramen mit Konjak-Nudeln. Original) 2014년에 근처 회사에 취직하면서 알게 된 곳인데 언제 방문하더라도 그 때 그 맛 그대로네요. 메뉴판은 조금씩 바뀌는 것 같아요. 예전엔 토마카라멘 이라 불렀는데 지금은 토마토라면이네요. 여기 오면 항상 토마토라면에 곤약면으로 먹습니다.
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