City: 강남구 수서동 대한민국, 강남구 강남대로102길 34, 서울 I- 우 06128, South Korea, 강남구 수서동 대한민국, Korea, Republic of
"Übersetzt von google) Es ist überraschend, dass es im Herzen von Gangnam ein Café mit einer waldähnlichen Atmosphäre gibt, aber die Größe und der Stil..."
City: 강남구 수서동 대한민국, 봉은사로4길 31, 서울 I-, South Korea, 강남구 수서동 대한민국, Korea, Republic of
"Translated by Google) Bread and coffee are delicious. This could happen in a café, but the seats are tight and closed, and the gap is tight, which mak..."