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Well, let's start with what is most important for drivers, the parking spaces are few but there are, so if you come to the wedding late, find another parking space. 3 out of 5 As a place, it is pleasant, elegantly arranged inside, for the external location it is a little below expectations, but as soon as you enter, everything changes, another story. As I said, pleasant interior, bright, existing AC already rising to 4 stars: . About the staff, grade 5 out of 5, extremely attentive at meals, kind to guests, attire, physical appearance, well taken care of, I have nothing to complain about here. Regarding the food... either I caught one evening when the chef spilled too much food, or that's how they eat in this area, so it's 3.5 out of 5 for the taste here. Well, I don't know if it's important for you, but for me it gives the appearance of sanitary groups... 3.5 out of 5. Taking an average and a little indulgence, I give them a total of 4 out of 5. (Original Bun sa incepem cu ce e mai important pentru soferi, locurile de parcari putine dar sunt, asa dar daca veniti la nunta tarziu gasiti alt loc de parcare. 3 din 5 Ca si local, este placut , aranjat cochet la interior, pentru locatie exterior este putin sub asteptari dar cum intrati se schimba totul , alta poveste. Cum ziceam interior placut , luminat, existent AC deja urca la 4 stele: . Despre personal , nota 5 din 5 , extrem de atenti la mese, amabili cu invitatii,tinuta, aspect fizic ingrijiti cu toti nu am ce reprosa aici. Legat de mancare….ori am prins eu o seara cand bucataru a scapat prea multa mancare , ori asa se mananca in aceasta zona , deci e pe gust aici 3,5 din 5. Bun nu stiu daca pentru voi este important dar pentru mine da aspectul grupurilor sanitare… 3.5 din 5. Facand o medie si un pic de indulgenta le dau per total un 4 din 5.
The place is a bit rough, but eating is good.
Local excelent, mancare foarte buna
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