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what can I say? hands down to the best shanghai kitchen in taiwan. it really brings my memories back to life in shanghai. who have to eat are ‡‡δδδδδοςsς脆ς脆ς, trust me, these dishes are blowing their minds, my friends grew up in shanghai, they have also proven that everything in this restaurant tastes just like those in shanghai! View all feedback.
夜上海 香港米其林一星名號 匯聚了江蘇、上海、浙江的美食精華 精緻巧妙的烹飪技巧 深信這是許多老饕的首選 這間餐廳食材新鮮又好吃 真的推薦大家可以吃看看 前菜(風味醬蘿蔔)180 彷彿吃到乾蘿蔔一樣的脆脆 吃起來是冰冰涼涼的感覺,口味香濃 前菜,十八鮮180 冰涼的干絲,將多色冷菜切開 一致粗細再拌醬料,真是沁涼 前菜,鎮江肴肉260 口感比較屬甜,我是有點吃不慣 但是它肉質的嚼勁算是不錯的唷 毛豆年糕醬炒蟹2280/850g 紅亮亮的蟹膏,飽滿的蟹肉 真是叫人食指大動 年糕混著甜麵醬炒勻 吸收了蟹的鮮味 完全打中我的味蕾 內心對螃蟹美味再次升級 上海生煎包250/4顆 跟普通煎包相比之下是比較大顆點 我最愛它底部有一面煎的焦焦脆脆 吃起來感覺像是炸銀絲捲般 配上一點烏醋來調味 最後豪爽的大口咬下,實在滿足 紅燒原條美國牛肋排1380 牛肋條肉塊厚度跟我大拇指一樣厚 入口即化,搭配辣椒口感唯美 牛肉湯汁完整的鎖住在內餡裡 真的是我史上吃過最好吃的牛肉 片皮烤鴨1880 終於吃到傳說中的櫻桃鴨了 採用頂級櫻桃鴨 鴨肉油脂豐富 肉質不會過柴過乾 與新鮮生菜一起大口入嘴 一口咬下,清爽順口 陳皮糖醋排骨280 選用新鮮豬子排作主料 肉質鲜嫩,色澤红亮 口感軟嫩,吃起來感覺不會很乾 清炒河蝦仁720 雖然他們的蝦仁不大 但是卻是滿滿的蝦仁 搭配毛豆仁入口 口感爽脆,味道鮮美 蔥香鮑魚撈麵1880/4隻 鮑魚大小跟我快半個拳頭大 口感滑嫩有嚼勁 鮑魚入味Q彈,撈麵也很有醬香感 蔥油徜徉在炒麵之中香氣無窮 炒麵口感不像坊間一般吃到偏鹹 炒麵用細麵條搭配,口感Q彈滑牙 酒香八寶飯200 以有糯米、豆沙、紅棗、枸杞等配料 搭配而成,甜而不膩 也有象徵著團團圓圓、生活甜甜 酒釀芝麻湯丸130 溫溫熱熱的酒釀湯圓,淡淡的香氣 咬開微醺淡淡的酒味,吃完也暖心
Exquisite and tasty people will come back
What can I say? hands down to the best shanghai kitchen in taiwan. it really brings my memories back to life in shanghai. who have to eat are ‡‡δδδδδοςsς脆ς脆ς, trust me, these dishes are blowing their minds, my friends grew up in shanghai, they have also proven that everything in this restaurant tastes just like those in shanghai!
Beautiful lighting and good atmosphere 燈光美,氣氛佳