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What User likes about Majles Afrooz:
و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و ا و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و ا If you come to Semnan, try this restaurant. View all feedback.

What User doesn't like about Majles Afrooz:
I went to this restaurant with a friend yesterday. Restaurant food was horrible.We have meat and rice trip and had to come out of the restaurant hungry. It seems to me a very nice restaurant Darchin Restaurant View all feedback.

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