Contribute Feedback What Christ Schumm likes about Zio's Pizzeria:
Always awesome. The pizza is always delicious with fresh ingredients. It's consistently the best every time we go. We've never had any issues with service at this location. And where else can you get fresh sauteed zucchini on your pizza. Try it it is outstanding! View all feedback.
What Breanne Fay doesn't like about Zio's Pizzeria:
I usually don't do reviews, but I had such a great experience there that I had to share. My son and I went for lunch. I ordered the lunch special slices and soda for and my son had a cheese pizza. The guy at the register was really nice and welcoming. When we got our pizza it looked amazing and the slices were huge! My son is three and he got a slice of cheese pizza and it was even pre-sliced into smaller pieces for... View all feedback.
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Back on its Game. Nearly four years ago I reviewed Zio's, and lamented how it's glory days seemed largely behind it. Only the occasional flash of greatness interrupted an apparent slide into mediocrity. Well, this NY Style pizzeria must have a new mayor at the helm, as things were so much better on a recent visit. Dare I say that the glory days have returned? If you enjoy NY style pizza, the sort you fold inward from the corners and insert directly into your awaiting mouth, then Zio's might be just what you have been waiting for. There are over 40 topping choices, or you can order one of the existing menu combo selections. Everything from beef to broccoli, they have it. I tend to opt for the "4 for 3" option, where you select any 4 toppings, but only pay for three. The slices are large...two should be enough to satisfy just about any appetite, especially if you start with one of their inexpensive salad options. Two slices and a salad will set you back $10-11 before your drink. Some pretty decent microbrews are usually on tap, if you are like me, and love to wash your pizza down with a beer...or two. The menu also features calzones, and larger salads, if you aren't in the mood for a slice of the pie. For me, I always choose pizza. Any other option? Fuggetaboutit! Service was excellent on the night my friends and I stopped by. And the atmosphere remains cheery, with a NY theme carried throughout the dining and waiting areas. There are any number of excellent pizza places in town. Zio's seems to be striving to climb back up to the top of Omaha's pizza pie heap. Food: A- Atmosphere: A- Service: A Menu Sophistication: A (for the huge number of pizza topping options) Value: B+ -----16 Feb, 2010----- Fading Glory. Zio's was once one of the very best pizza restaurants in town. The atmosphere was crowded, hot, and noisy, much like the city they pay homage to with their pizza...NYC. Well nothing spoils success like success. A few years back they moved a couple of doors down in the same strip mall, to remodeled digs with a bit more room to stretch, a TV in the floor, and a mural of Manhattan with the Liberty Tower weirdly already built. They still get busy, and you still have to wait for a table, or for someone to show up to wait on your table you found on your own. Service can be borderline incompetent. And we believe the food quality has slipped, as some times it is just fine and other times it is no better than Pizza Hut (ouch!). But, I still hold out a glimmer of hope that Zio's will return to its glory days of yore. If you dine here on one of their good days you will be rewarded with wonderful thin crust pizza, served by the pie or by the slice, with a huge array of toppings. They also have calzones and a few other menu items. Note, you can avoid all the service screw-ups by ordering take out.
Back on its Game. Nearly four years ago I reviewed Zio's, and lamented how it's glory days seemed largely behind it. Only the occasional flash of greatness interrupted an apparent slide into mediocrity. Well, this NY Style pizzeria must have a new mayor at the helm, as things were so much better on a recent visit. Dare I say that the glory days have returned? If you enjoy NY style pizza, the sort you fold inward from the corners and insert directly into your awaiting mouth, then Zio's might be just what you have been waiting for. There are over 40 topping choices, or you can order one of the existing menu combo selections. Everything from beef to broccoli, they have it. I tend to opt for the "4 for 3" option, where you select any 4 toppings, but only pay for three. The slices are large...two should be enough to satisfy just about any appetite, especially if you start with one of their inexpensive salad options. Two slices and a salad will set you... read more
Consensus is yes. that is a pizza place where we all agree, and I am the Picky One! I have any gluten-free pizza in omaha (which I am aware) and zio’s has the best by far. the only thing is that the crust of the GF pizza is so thin, they sometimes boil (burn) it. So make sure they place a GF command, they tell them they don't overtake it. they will say, oh sure, no worries, but if they pick it up, it is likely that it will be overtaken. it is easy and be grateful at this point during the age that no one can keep it from tasting as pale. you have chosen zios wise.
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