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Service: Dine in Meal type: Lunch Price per person: €60–70 Food: 5 Service: 5 Atmosphere: 4 Parking space: Plenty of parking Parking options Free parking lot View all feedback.
(Traduit Par Google) Nous à vous remercier sacrifices une merveilleuse fête the mariage! Wells avons recou beaucoup d'éloges sur la nourriture délicieuse, la belle salle the banquet et service amical et professionally vous avez érérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérér (Avis d'origine) We'd like to thank you for bringing us a wonderful wedding! We've had a lot of commendations about the very good food, the beautiful party hall and the friendly professional service! Also at the preparation of our party, you were always helpful and we were always free to add decoration ourselves! We'll definitely see you back! Thank you for everything!
(Translated by Google) Is a classic Beautiful old inner glory also, beautiful Amical at its best Food mmmmm and much more than enough drinks already super inn There is no question here (Notice of Origin) Is een klassikaal Mooi inside or glorie ook,prachtig Vriendelijk ten top Eten mmmmm en veel meer als genoeg ook drank al inn super Geen vraag is daar teveel
(Translated by Google) Very good reception and friendliness, friendliness and good cuisine. Particular thanks to bazin (Original opinion) Zeer goed en vriendelijk ontvangen geweest, gezellig en lekker eten. Aparte dank aan bazin
(Traduit Par Google) Super! Your reviendrai satisfait. (Avis d'origine) Top!
It's a nice place and super-looking food. Mealtype: 4
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