Contribute FeedbackFast food. Great decoration. Elvis and Maryline. A lot of choices, and great. I recommend.
(Traduit Par Google) J'ai andcore visitor Peekaboo here et j'ai pris un délicieux repass, c'est il y atemps, gérérènitas quests estu est s s réréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréré La tente supreme est recommandée à tout le mouth. Personnel amical et only the lungs of d'attent gruesome Merks, Lieshout. (Avis d'origine) Last night, another visit to peek-a-boo and delicious food, it was a long time ago on Sundays when we were around, but that can't be... Top tent is recommending everyone. Friendly personnel and no long-waiting limits of Merks, Lieswood. Not v Lieshout v d frikandells.
We stopped in for lunch and were given such a warm welcome. The owners were the most friendly and accommodating people. They were so lovely with our 4 kids. The food was great too. When we’re next in the area we’ll definitely visit again. Thank you for making a quick lunch so memorable!
(Traduit Par Google) Très bell endroit the citizen o vous pouvez également manger the délicies fries Beau jukebox dance I'entreprise vraiment rock and roll fortement recommandé. Very nice hamburger case where you can also eat delicious fries. Nice jukebox in the case really rock and really roll a rapist.
(Translated by Google) Best Campine Sandwiches Wide range of hamburgers and sandwiches and everything is super cool, highly recommended!! The staff is super nice and always ready to chat and joke, I always like to come here? (Original view) Beste broodjeszaak in de Kempen Groot assortment Hamburgers in broodjes in supervers,een echte aanrader!! Personeel is er supervriendelijk en altijd in voor een praatje en een grapje,ik kom er altijd met veel plezier