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Great experience, hot and surprising food and super friendly owners! Top of service, dinner in meal type, dinner per person, 100 foods, 5 services, 5 atmosphere: View all feedback.
One of the top restaurants in lives. The reception's super friendly and the food is top. Chef bart snuffshoye and his partner dorote hoste worries over and over again for a culinary tour of a classy frame. The atmosphere at the restaurant is very challenging and the hostess makes you feel at home right away. The lining on the name street is ideal: A nice building nor a twitch from the center. The premises are equipped with air conditioning, so on hot summer days, you can enjoy the fabulous dishes of chef barts. My girlfriend and I chose the five-course menu. More than enough to keep our hunger down! Because my girlfriend was with the car, she chose alcohol-free drinks at every hallway. I went for the bob formula myself. Both the food and the booze were excellent. Every court was prepared with very much care and eye for detail. The flavor combinations were balanced, with now and then a surprising test, like the combination of paling, cherry and wasabi. Very special! Big fan of the "little trip to ibiza" that my taste buddies were very keen. The delicious vanilla ice cream that the chef came in personally with his ice cream serving the night. A toper experience that's in vain for repeat.
Excellent experience. Especially since they can offer such levels with so few staff. Keep it that way.
Really enjoyed our dinner in this restaurant. Beautiful small place, attention to every detail, super service- very client oriented and highly accommodating. And Of course creative TOP food! Very recommended
Great experience, hot and surprising food and super friendly owners! Top of service, dinner in meal type, dinner per person, 100 foods, 5 services, 5 atmosphere:
(Traduit par Google Manger ici était une bellle exprence. La carte était alléchante, raffinée et originale. Pour class characters qui qui s'attendent, gross portions, ce ce est pas le bon endroit, .. La vaisselle égaliment également également rérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérér La prochaine fois, nu's prendrons certainty le fromage car ilétait accompagné d'une explication expert, the quelqu'un avecée véritage leagon. Joli détail à fin, on a servi une crème glacée à la vanilla trèvoureuse sur un rène d'un d'un d'un autheni rème rème érème érème érérérème érérérérérérérérérérérérérérès savoérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérés savourés savourés savourés savourés savourés savourés savourés savourés savourés savourés savourés savourés savourés savourés savourés savourés savourés savouré Et quelqu'un the notre groupe a fêté son anniversary et ils on été ils pour ne pas I'oublier, and you're telling me that I'm in the parking lot. (Avis d'origine coming to dinner here was a nice experience. The menu was delicious, refined and original. For people expecting large portions, this isn't the right address, even the china was very nice with nice details just like the interior. Next time we'll definitely take the cheese because it was accompanied by an expert explanation of someone with a true passion for cheese. Nice detail at the end, we got a really good vanilla ice cream served from an authentic nine cream. And someone in our company was their birthday and they were so thoughtful not to mention this. (I'd mentioned this at the reservation. There's parking space a little further in the underground parking lot.