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Contribute Feedback What Roger Verschuren likes about De Volksmacht:
(Traduit Par Google) Se déguster un moment après une promenade or Olmenhof avecre chien 'Mazzel' et et éguster uneagle Gin-Talen etérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérétérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérés térés tés térérérérérérérétés té.
(Translated by Google) Delicious American sandwich, accompanied by vegetables. Have a good coffee. He doesn't have to be anymore. And the introduction of De Volksmacht is not at all necessary. And, you can enjoy quietly, on the outside, the covered terrace or the inside. Super, (Original view) Lekker broodje gegeten met americain, samen met groentjes. Lekkere koffie gedronken. Meer hoeft dat niet te zijn. In, De Volksmacht voorstellen hoeft helemaal al niet. In, I kunt rustig genieten, buiten, overdekt terras of binnen. Top,
(Translated by Google) Team on top, without head but honest and super service. The food was also very tasty (Review of origin) Topteam,zonder veel poespas maar eerlijke en super bediening.Het eten was ook heel lekker
(Translated by Google) The chief suggested that the choice of fish and seafood was excellent. Lamb and grilled mix were tasty and large portions. But we (3 people) had to wait for an hour to be served, Wednesday and not too many people. (Original view) The chef suggested choice of fish and seafoods was excellent. The lamb and grilled mix were tasty and large portions. But we (3 persons) had to wait for one hour to be served, on Wednesday and not crowded at all.
(Traduit Par Google) Se déguster un moment après une promenade or Olmenhof avecre chien 'Mazzel' et et éguster uneagle Gin-Talen etérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérétérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérés térés tés térérérérérérérétés té
Good food and super friendly people. Barrier freiheit: Good access. Also the toilets. _ 5.
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