Contribute Feedback What User likes about ‘t Kleine Fornuis:
Start to end great! The food was delicious, a firm for the eyes and for the mouth. The service was great, very friendly. A very nice case! Highly fashioned! The food was delicious, a stroke for the eye and the mouth. The service was super, ferret friendly. A very nice case! Definitely a hit man! View all feedback.
Eat delicious! Very friendly and hospitable staff. Very good wine selection... Highly fashioned! Very kind and hospital staff. Very good wine choice. A rapist!
Top restaurant. Very nice food and very kind service. Definitely the trouble of coming back. Just enjoy.
Super, can't be on. Super, can't be improved. What a rapist for everyone.
Delicious lunch in the little stove today. It was a nice wedding anniversary with the two of us. To the next...
(Traduit par Google) C'est toujours un plaisir the manger the délicieux plats chez Stine et son équipe dance atmosphere dérérérétéréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréré (Avis d'origine) It's always a pleasure to eat in this unforgiving atmosphere at Stine and his team especially nice for a very honest price.