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Contribute FeedbackIeri am mers să cinăm la restaurantul Monarch cu un grup de 5 persoane. Totul a început cu plasarea comenzii. Am încercat să comandăm câteva preparate exclusive și scumpe, dar chelnerul ne-a spus că mai mult de 50% din meniu nu poate fi servit. Prin urmare, am fost nevoiți să alegem preparate care nu erau prima noastră opțiune. Restaurantul a durat mai mult de o oră să ne servească de fapt mâncarea. Aproape toate preparatele au fost servite reci și carnea exclusivă pe care am comandat-o (precum cerb și Chateaubriand), care ar fi trebuit să fie foarte fragedă și suculentă, a fost mai degrabă uscată și tare. Când am explicat acest lucru chelnerului, ne-a spus că nu era nimic în neregulă cu carnea și trebuia să plătim suma întreagă. Acest restaurant pretinde să fie unul dintre cele mai bune restaurante exclusive, dar de fapt calitatea mâncării și serviciul dintr-un pub local sunt de un standard mai înalt.
Am mers la cină aseară. Deoarece aveam o mică sărbătoare, am decis să mergem într-un alt loc pe care am crezut că este puțin mai elegant. Sunt o persoană care mănâncă ușor, dar mâncarea aceasta a fost de o calitate atât de scăzută încât era o rușine să gătești. 1. A început cu multe produse de pe meniu care nu erau disponibile. 2. Într-un restaurant aproape gol a durat aproape 90 de minute să servim 5 aperitive. 3. Cu excepția a 1 aperitive, toate celelalte erau deja reci și gustul varia de la rău la mediu/fad. 4. 2 coșuri de pâine, pe care nu le-am cerut, au fost puse pe masă și mai târziu le-am găsit înapoi pe factură. 5. După ce am curățat farfuriile cu aperitive a durat din nou mai mult de 1 oră înainte ca felurile principale să fie servite. 6. Acestea erau din nou reci/gătite greșit/pregătite prea sărate. Farfuriile arată că mâncarea a fost pur și simplu aruncată pe ele, fără nicio grijă. Carnea de cerb era gătită în așa fel încât să poată fi folosită pentru a reface tălpile pantofilor. Kaftas aveau atât de mult piper încât mi-a amortit de fapt gura. Chateaubriand-ul era de dimensiunea unei chifteluțe de pui și prea gătit. 7. Atunci când ne-am plâns managerului/chelnerului el a recunoscut că a durat mult timp/mâncarea era rece și unele preparate nu erau la standardele așteptate, dar nu, el nu a putut să vadă problema și a refuzat să ofere orice reducere. După cum puteți vedea, nu critic un loc fără un motiv adecvat, dar acest loc nu merită banii sau numele de restaurant.
Imi pare rau ca am intarziat aceasta recenzie, dar credeam ca locul este inchis, insa vad ca inca are recenzii datate dupa vizita mea. Voi reveni sa vad cu propriii mei ochi cum este acum, insa la ultima mea vizita a fost cu adevarat groaznic!
Total disappointment in terms of food and service. its a pity they run their activity is this outstanding building. This restaurant used to be for the high class, with a bit more expensive rates than anywhere else but with great service and delicious food. Now is a complete disaster. Waste of money, time and nerves.
Together with another 14 friends we had a reservation at Monarch last year in late fall. Celebrating a birthday together. We wanted to change where usually go for several years, but we wanted a venue as intimate quiet where we can serve some food and some drinks. The usual but in a different place and a little more special occasion for us to meet.We knew that we go to a place that is more expensive than average, it was natural to hope that we will receive distinguished services. Which, unfortunately I have to say, was not the case. And I further explain both the context and the most unpleasant moments. Because I do not usually stand to criticize or downgraded without clear and genuine reasons.1.Booking was made by phone, was very clear that it is a birthday party where guests come from different locations and we were told that there is no impediment.Along with the celebrated person, I got there first, at the appointed time by the telephone booking. And I had the unpleasant surprise to see that the restaurant entrance is closed !!!In fact, the entire restaurant was booked. Some of us, some for another family event. They were in the main room and wanted to close and lock the front door to their small child safety. OK. But why we had to find out this ONLY AFTER I called to announce that we have reached and that we can not go in ?? !!Does anyone have such similar experiences? Lived someone such a thing ever ? Can not get into the restaurant where he made a reservation ??Eventually we were allowed through a gate slightly open, in a courtyard and from there in the the restaurant. But of course as other friends arrived, their phones were calling; "We arrived but it is closed" ... One by one, as they arrived, I brought everyone on the same road where we had entered. As if I were an employee of the the restaurant and I was doing a normal service Weird ? No. Inconceivable !We were customers of the place. Not who knows what gang who meet illegally2. About the interior the opinions were divided. Some felt it would be elegant, others opined that it would be a horrible kitsch. But the chairs are comfortable and we were not there for a crash course in the inside design.3.While waiting to bring us beverages menus we found the total number of persons was 16. 8 on one side of a long table, consisting of several square tables placed one after another and 8 on the other. Impossible to communicate between the two ends of the long,long table !So much for the intimate atmosphere4. About dishes can only say that 16 people have ordered 16 different ways that arrived into 8 periods of time. Outstanding !While some were already using knife and fork others just watched. And then ... vice versa. The first in standby, the rest used cutlery I think they should export the method5.High quality beverages and an extremely diversified gamma.Prices terrifying expensive. Unnecessarily expensive. And I say this after I ate several high end restaurants in Romania, France and Spain. And we are talking, after all, of Galati, Romania, not La Cave, Paris. Nevertheless, no limitations were required.In the that special evening money was not a problem. And I would have appreciated much better the quality of spirits if the waiters would have left us to finish the glasses before they take them ahead of us6. And so we come to the quality of service. In a word or a thousand words, I can not go beyond the level deplorable !The waiters, all men, bored, lazy, careless, indifferent. They left the impression that we have broken their Saturday evening and that only I and my friends are guilty of the fact that they have chosen this professionNot to say that all look like that guards from the entrance of a club with bad reputation. The least you could imagine that the are all recovered from the special forces of ex-Soviet republics. While we were armed only with a good mood that they skillful destroy it before the end of the evening.I would recommend anyone to go there after this experience ? Absolutely not !I appreciate those who consider it appropriate to do so ? Not so sure !