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Contribute FeedbackPizza Maru is considered one of the top pizza places in my mind. Recently, they expanded to Yuen Long, becoming the first pet-friendly Korean restaurant in Hong Kong. They even offer pet grooming and spa services, allowing both owners and pets to enjoy themselves. The Handmade Kimchi Cheese Bomb ($118) was larger than expected, filled with a mixture of cheddar cheese, kimchi, Italian rice, onions, garlic, and carrots. The cheese flavor was subtle, with the main taste being the spicy and sour kimchi. The outer layer was crispy while the inside was soft, especially when dipped in kimchi aioli. The Korean Style Surf and Turf ($193) had a classic thin pizza crust that was perfectly textured, almost like bread. It was topped with ranch sauce and a layer of sour cream for a refreshing taste. Shrimp, Korean BBQ meat, spicy potato wedges, mozzarella, mushrooms, and purple cabbage were added as toppings. The Honey Garlic Fried Chicken ($123) remained crispy despite being coated in honey garlic sauce. The meat was tender and juicy, with the main flavor being the sweetness of the honey followed by a kick of garlic spiciness. It was less greasy compared to honey butter fried chicken. The Lychee Cooler Ade ($48) was made with lychee puree and carbonated lemon water. The lychee flavor was prominent and sweet, although the lemon flavor was slightly lacking. It was sweet but still refreshing and thirst-quenching.
Miss Two is a big fan of the Chicago Pizza at this restaurant. I often come with friends to support it. I usually go to the Tsuen Wan branch, but this is my first time at the Yuen Long branch. The Grilled Potato Chicken Chicago Pizza for $213 is rich in ingredients, including mozzarella cheese, cream cheese mousse, sautéed onions, mushrooms, chicken, potato wedges, tomatoes, honey almonds, and BBQ sauce. The pizza was hot and fresh on the table, with a nice stretch of cheese. The crust had a nice toasted aroma and was not too soggy. The pizza was filled with rich and creamy cheese, soft dough with a slight chewiness. The most special part is the layer of mashed potatoes in the middle of the pizza, combined with BBQ sauce for a rich and multi-layered flavor. The crust had a sweet and crispy outer layer with honey and almond slices, and inside it was filled with cream cheese mousse, creating a smooth contrast. The Pineapple Shrimp Cheese Rice on an iron plate for $139 was very attractive in appearance. Mixing fresh shrimp, pineapple, bell peppers, purple onions, mushrooms, cheese, seaweed, garlic, and sweet and sour sauce on the iron plate, the cheese was grilled to a slightly crispy texture, enhancing the savory flavor. The ingredients and cheese, along with the seaweed, blended well together, giving it a Korean-style flavor despite not being spicy.
This restaurant is welcoming to pets.
$213 薯角炭燒雞肉芝加哥 Pizza 嘅配料好足,特別係雞肉,有好多嚿 而佢嘅燒汁味非常濃郁,幾乎啖啖都食到 C 小姐就最欣賞個批邊~ 因為佢除咗有甜甜嘅蜜糖味之外,批邊入面仲有軟淋淋嘅芝士,令到pizza 嘅味道提升不少 . $168 帶子泡菜卡邦尼 泡菜加卡邦尼嘅配搭真係好少見,但係食落又真係幾夾 泡菜微辣嘅味道,成功提升咗蛋味和芝士味濃郁嘅卡邦尼意粉嘅味道 而意粉亦做到掛汁嘅效果 ️ ️ 另外,帶子同埋泡菜都保持到爽口嘅口感 . $68 Aperol Spritz Aperol Spritz 係一款cocktail 主要由Aperol, Prosecco, Soda 同埋Orange Slice 調配而成 味道上,比較清新,而且苦度較低 適合初初飲酒嘅朋友 . $48 Lychee Cooler Ada 飲品係荔枝味果汁底嘅sparkling lemonade 建議大家飲之前要篤下檸檬,同埋挍下底下嘅果汁 令到整體味道得以均衡
今日又要同人食散水飯啦,食多咁多次西餐,今次一於要食下其他野! 我地一行4人黎到位於元朗yoho一期嘅pizza maru,佢係一間韓國餐廳黎,而且仲係寵物友善餐廳黎添 餐廳闊落,環境燈光舒服,今次一行4人叫左5樣野食同3杯野飲 1.紫蘇炸魷魚圈 炸漿調味足夠,炸出黎夠晒香脆可口,而且魷魚圈夠晒大,食落爽口彈呀,非常惹味 2.釜山炸軟殼蟹 一碟4件,外層炸得香口,感覺似天婦羅咁,蟹夠鮮唔會腥,而且仲要有蟹膏,好正,還我少食蟹嘅人都食多件 3.泡菜海灣pizza 唔好以為叫泡菜海灣就會係無限泡菜係面,其實佢係冇泡菜 佢成份有雙份馬蘇里拉芝士,芝士串,奶油芝士慕斯,炒洋蔥,鮮蘑菇,蝦,蟹肉棒,粟米,甜椒 甜牧場醬, 泡菜蛋黃醬組成,個批真係好正,一上枱,聞到個陣味,真係流晒口水,芝士真係夠晒邪惡拉絲 個批真心好食,批底夠晒鬆軟,而且唔會話太厚身,所以就算 4.蜂蜜牛油秘制炸雞6件 依個炸雞好正,炸到外脆內嫰夠晒juicy,最正係佢個蜂蜜牛油汁,食咁多間炸雞都冇一間好似佢咁正,真係非筆墨能形容,如果炸雞腔嘅人可以叫夠12 5.鳳梨蝦芝士伴飯 上枱真係好香,芝士夠晒濃 … – show