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Contribute Feedback What User likes about Pizzeria Bon Appetit:
Very tasty pizza, will go back someday Service: Dine in Meal type: Dinner Price per person: €20–30 Food: 5 Service: 5 Atmosphere: 5 Recommended dishes: Pasta Carbonara, Schotel Shoarma Speciaal Klein View all feedback.
Always good, smooth service, good price quality relationship.
Super hot osso bucco ate today. Mix grill was also hot with tasty pasta.
Very well but kitchen closed at 22h and even more possible to have an ice cream. No payment by possible card
(Traduit par Google) Pizza Bon Appetit definitive recommand, nourriture trère trévoure et service était the Prime Minister, and I'm sure there's an accomplice for Miréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréré
Small cozy pizzeria, we ordered here by telephone and were able to pick up everything after fifteen minutes! Very friendly waitresses, all food was ready at the agreed time. Super tasty pizza, pasta, scampi, garlic bread and bruscetta! Pizza on the small side for big eaters, but the canelloni was more than enough. Food: 5 Service: 5 Atmosphere: 4