The address of 가야고을부페 is 대가야로 1083, 고령 I- 우 40139, South Korea, Korea, Republic of. Also, you can extract information about public transportation and parking near 가야고을부페 from this website.
City: 북구 (near 고령), 옥포로 313, 대구 I-, South Korea, 북구, Korea, Republic of
"Translated by Google) It was the first place I went to, and I had a little time pressure, so it was a pity that I could not visit all places, but I th..."
City: 북구 (near 고령), 비슬로 806, 대구 I-, South Korea, 북구, Korea, Republic of
"Translated by Google) Champonsuppe is just my style When you order it, you will immediately pick the noodles and you will feel the tough texture. Ganj..."