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If you want a cool beer and chicken on a weekend night, this is the right place to enjoy it. There are no seats during baseball season and football season. Original) 주말저녁 시원 맥주와 맥주와 부담없이 부담없이 있는 곳 곳 곳 입니다 입니다. 야 adaptive축 축 adaptive자리가 없을 겁니다 겁니다. View all feedback.
If you want a cool beer and chicken on a weekend night, this is the right place to enjoy it. There are no seats during baseball season and football season. Original) 주말저녁 시원 맥주와 맥주와 부담없이 부담없이 있는 곳 곳 곳 입니다 입니다. 야 adaptive축 축 adaptive자리가 없을 겁니다 겁니다.
Übersetzt von Google) Wenn Sie frittiertes Essen mögen, denke ich, dass es ein wirklich leckeres Hühnchen-Restaurant ist. Es ist ein Hühnchen-Restaurant, das von einer Person gegründet wurde, die aufgrund ihrer Erfahrung bei kfc gearbeitet hat. Es zeichnet sich also im Grunde durch ein würziges Knuspergericht aus. Es schmeckt jedoch nicht wie KFC, aber es ist ein Huhn, das dem Geschmack der Koreaner angepasst wurde. Das knusprige Grundhuhn ist 13.000 Won, was für Hühnchen billig ist. Der Geschmack ist auch für den Preis sehr gut. Ganz zu schweigen davon, dass die Tempura-Kleidung knusprig, würzig und zart ist. Obwohl es von Geschäft zu Geschäft unterschiedlich ist, bieten Eoeun-Geschäfte Cajun-Pommes als Service an, wenn Sie im Geschäft essen. Original) 후라이드를 좋아하는 사람이라면 정말로 맛있게 먹을 치킨집이라고 생각한다. kfc에서 근무한 사람이 그 경험을 바탕으로 창업한 치킨집이라 기본적으로 매콤한 크리스피한게 특징이다. 그렇다고 kfc랑 똑같은 맛은 아니고 쫌더 한국사람들 입맛에 맞게 변형시킨 치킨이다. 기본 크리스피치킨은 13000원으로 치킨치고 저렴하다. 가격대비 맛도 매우 훌륭하다. 튀김옷은 말할것도 없이 바삭하며 매콤하고 뻑뻑살도 부드러운 편이다. 매장마다 다르긴 하지만 어은점은 매장에서 먹으면 케이준 감자튀김을 서비스로 준다.
Translated by Google) Korean and English .. If it is set, it comes out so much! Cheetus Chicken I asked myself something, but it's sweet and it always comes in. Cajun Potato is great because she feels like a mummy pot. 2,000 cubic meters of beer in this set costs 29,000 won. Azo like Madongseok is very nice. The picture shows the menu of the Cheetos chicken set Combo). That's sweet and delicious! In this combination, Cajun-Pommes are served spiced pommes. The price is quite reasonable that this combination and 2000 ccm beer are 29.000 won. The host who looks hard is hospitable. Original) Korean and English.. 세트로 이렇게나 푸짐하게 나온다 나온다 나온다 나온다! 치토스 뭔가 궁금해서 시켜봣는데 시켜봣는데 시켜봣는데, 달콤짭쪼름하니 계속들ン다. 케이新포테이토는 맘스터치의 좋다 좋다 세트에 맥주 맥주2천cc하면 29,000원. 마동석 아조씨 꽤나 친절하심 친절하심. The pictute is the menu of Cheetos chicken set combo. This is sweet and delicious! In this combo, Cajun fries seasoned fries) are served. Price is quite reasonable that this combo and 2000 cc of beer are 29,000 won. The host who looks tough is hospitable.
Übersetzt von Google) Natürlich ist das Hühnchen lecker, weil es ein Hühnerrestaurant ist, aber die Menbosha- und Garnelengerichte sind sehr gut! Original) 치킨집이라 당연히 치킨이 맛있지만, 멘보샤와 새우요리 안주가 아주 일품입니다!
Übersetzt von Google) In diesem Restaurant verkaufen sie gebratenes Huhn. Die Atmosphäre dieses Ortes ist wie in einem normalen Pub. Ich empfehle dieses Hotel, weil die gebratenen Hühner sehr knusprig und sehr lecker sind. Der Nachteil dieses Ortes ist, dass das Essen im Restaurant selbst für Kinder schwierig ist, da fast jeder zusammen Bier trinkt. Mein Lieblingsmenü ist 'Beine und Flügel Huhn ', weil ich diese Teile mag. Lieferungen sind möglich, aber ich empfehle es nicht, weil es teurer ist. Ich würde die Takeouts lieber empfehlen Original) In this restaurant, they sell fried chicken. The atmosphere of this place is just like a normal pub. I recommend this place because the fried chickens are very crispy and very delicious. The disadvantages of this place is that eating in the restaurant itself is hard for children because almost everyone is drinking beer together. My favorite menu is 'legs and wings chicken ' because i like those parts. Deliveries are available but I don 't recommend it because it 's more expensive. I 'd rather recommend the Takeouts
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