Sucuk Restaurants in Liederbach am Taunus
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City: Liederbach am Taunus, Kirchweg 2, 65835, Liederbach am Taunus, Germany
"Fast delivery, very warm food and really delicious"
The Average price for Sucuk is:
These reviews refer only to the mentioned ingredients.
hallo, really a very tasty art to change the normal chili times. we did not know suzuks before, but they tasted us very well. many thanks for the recipe! love greetings
hello froeschlein. thanks for your comment and for the great picture. I have always missed it to make one myself. I always remember that after the delicious food. greets morko
hello morko! hurra! finally an alternative to chili con carne with chopmeat. (I don't like to eat hack) tried your recipe yesterday and the whole family is thrilled. added two more twirls in thin, half rings. I have doubled all the ingredients, excep...