Istanbul Pizza Restaurants in Lage
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City: Lage, Lange Strasse 86, 32791, Lage, Germany
"Pizza was often a little too long, otherwise everything was ok"
The Average price for Istanbul Pizza is:
These reviews refer only to the mentioned ingredients.
hallo B-B-Q, I baked pizza yesterday and still had teig left (self-made ;-)). I made your pizza sticks. as a cheese I have taken to the last parmesan and morzarella. the bars were a really tasty snack and I can also imagine them great with a garidip....
morehallo B-B-Q, pizza pranks "easy-cheesy" meets it perfectly! very shortly before the celebration I prepared the bars (with leafy though, as no pizzateig was to hand). of "preparation " I don't want to talk at all - so little is to be done. 10 minutes ...
morereally tasty and made fast. super! had done last time with leafy, which tasted good but was very smooth. I test the next time as specified in the recipe pizzateig.