Hot Dog Restaurants in Desna Show restaurants on map
City: Desna, Rustaveli Shota Vul. 19, Kiev I-01001, Ukraine, Desna
Here you can find the menu of Dogs Tails in Desna. At the moment, there are 6 menus and drinks on the menu.
City: Desna, Велика Окружна дорога, 54, Sofiivska Borshchahivka, Ukraine, 08131, Desna
A comprehensive menu of Okko from Desna covering all 5 menus and drinks can be found here on the menu. For changing offers, please get in touch via ph...
City: Desna, Esplanadna Vul. 20, Kiev I-01001, Ukraine, Desna
A complete menu of Meat Duff from Desna covering all 2 dishes and drinks can be found here on the food list.
Price The Average price for Hot Dog is:
Ingredients These reviews refer only to the mentioned ingredients.