Capri Sun Restaurants in Fayetteville Show restaurants on map
City: Fayetteville, 1638 Huntsville Hwy, Fayetteville, TN 37..., United States
"The turkey sandwich is the best I've had at a fast food restaurant! They also consistently get my order correct on the first try."
City: Fayetteville, 170 Glynn St N, 30214, Fayetteville, United States
"The wait times were a bit longer than usual, around 10 minutes. The staff was consistently friendly. However, the main issue during our last visit was..."
City: Fayetteville, 2135 Main Dr, 72704, Fayetteville, United States
Takeout, Parking area, Reservations, Wifi
City: Fayetteville, 1898 Skibo Road, Fayetteville, 28314, United States Of America
City: Fayetteville, 1435 Walter Reed Road, Fayetteville, 28305, United States Of America
City: Fayetteville, 4515 Ramsey Street, Fayetteville, 28311, United States Of America
Price The Average price for Capri Sun is:
These reviews refer only to the mentioned ingredients.