American Chop Suey Restaurants in Avon
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City: Avon, 39;43 East Main Street, Avon, 02322, United States Of America
"There’s no better bar east of the Mississippi!"
The Average price for American Chop Suey is:
These reviews refer only to the mentioned ingredients.
Growing up in Wisconsin in the 40-50's we called this Goulash, which I'm sure wasn't correct either.
I love this basic recipe but I did make it my ownI first heated minced garlic and olive oil and then added carrots, peppers, celery and onions, then threw in lean ground beef.
Loved this, I love American Chop SueyI really like the Celery I like cooked celery in dishesThe stew tomatoes are really good with the mixture of Spaghetti sauce.