Stop And Go Food Rruga Rinia Pogradec, Pogradec I-100...
As soon as we have an overview of dishes and drinks for Stop And Go Food from Pogradec, we will publish it here. In the meantime, feel free to take a look at the meal plans in the surrounding area. Or help us by publishing the meal plan here.
Hamburgerat me te mire qe kam provuar perfshire dhe Tiranen.
Nje nga fast foodet mira ne Pogradec. Qoftet e hamburgerit jane me mish vici, nje nga me mirat...
Ushqim shume i shijshem,cilesi shume e mire, ambjent teper i paster dhe cmime te arsyeshme!
Shume mire, dhe lire!
Besoj solid food-in me in mire ne pgoradec!