As soon as we have a meal plan for Jiǔ Chéng Tā from 宜蘭, we will publish it here. In the meantime, feel free to take a look at the meal plans in the surrounding area. Or help us by making available a photo of the menu here.
食材新鮮用料實在 口味鹹淡度也都很適中 麵條軟硬度也可調整真的很貼心
食材新鮮美味!服務態度親切! 第一次去點太多菜也會提醒份量,非常貼心! 下次還會再來!
大年初二去吃 第一次看到墨魚麵上是給整隻墨魚的
每道菜都是我的收藏名單 來南方澳吃東西喝下午茶來這就對了~