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Contribute Feedback What Mackydou likes about Au Bain Marie:
(Translated by Google) The reception and food were very good. It's a shame that there was no attention for children 2 years of age, for whom dinner was designed. 1 10 centime candle would have been good. (Original view) Ontvangst en eten was heel goed. Jammer dat er geen aandacht was voor de 2 jarigen, waarvoor etentje was bedacht. 1 kaarsje van 10 cent was al goed geweest.
(Traduit Par Google) C'était encore une fois très agréable, well adventure mangé et les gens sont trèssimpare rérérérérérérérérée rérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérée tré It was very cozy again. We had a nice dinner there, and people are very kind. It's definitely for repeating.
The food was excellent! Great service, lovely anniversary gift! Top notch! The service was friendly, and the birthday attention was a nice touch! Top marks!
(Traduit Par Google) Très bonne nourriture, service très sympathique. Sommet! Top!
Dining at this restaurant was a relaxed experience with very friendly service. We opted for the set menu and found it to be very tasty. The layout of the restaurant allows for some privacy as you are not crammed into a small space. It is always a pleasure to return here. The staff is also very warm and welcoming. I highly recommend dining here.
(Translated by Google) We took the menu, which was very tasty. The evening was too short. Good service and good wine, that's all. (Original view) We hadden from menu genomen, heel lekker gegeten. De avond was te kort. Fijne bediening en goede wijn, meer moest het niet zijn.
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