Contribute Feedback What もぐもぐもぎぃぃ likes about ひろ Xī:
I have started using the restaurant because I can order on LINE, which makes it easy and convenient. It was a bit hard to find at first, so I decided to order online. The account is called Hiroki Catering, offering bento and gyoza. They have daily changing bento boxes and rice bowls, with images sent on LINE. They also inform you about any changes in curry or yakisoba. The attention to detail, including these little... View all feedback.
I have started using the restaurant because I can order on LINE, which makes it easy and convenient. It was a bit hard to find at first, so I decided to order online. The account is called Hiroki Catering, offering bento and gyoza. They have daily changing bento boxes and rice bowls, with images sent on LINE. They also inform you about any changes in curry or yakisoba. The attention to detail, including these little gestures, earns it 4 stars. The taste is just like a regular bento shop, with generous portions. I wish they would offer a discount if you asked for less rice, but for now the price remains the same. They also offer delivery for orders over 1000 yen, which is impressive even if delivery is limited to certain areas. I hope this restaurant continues to do well! ^o^
At first, I was a bit skeptical, but last week, I had to go to Takanesawa for work for about a month. On my first day, I went to a cafeteria near the site and was immediately intrigued. I'm known for eating more curry than even an Indian at home, so of course, I had to try their daily curry special. It felt a bit out of season, with a summer vegetable keema curry, but it was delicious and definitely on a different level than curry from a bento shop. I know it sounds silly, but I even make my own curry at home and this was not your average bento shop curry. Thank you for the meal. If I had to nitpick, I would say I wanted a bit more rice. Also, the lotus root tempura side dish was delicious.
陳列してあった中から、冷めた親子丼をとったのですが お店の方に渡して、3・4分後に袋にはいって戻ってきました。 自宅に戻って食べようと容器に触れると 熱々になっているじゃないですか! これって出来たてですね。 わざわざ作って貰えるとは思ってなかったです プリプリの鶏肉がゴロンゴロン 半熟トロトロの玉子と出汁を吸った熱々の御飯 とても美味しかったです 御馳走様でした ここ、ヤバイ 日替わりと日替わり丼、餃子、焼きそばと後ハンバーグ弁当とか? 位しか無いみたいだけど コスパが半端ない 日替わり・・・これ、マジで600円なの? 事前にオープンになるメニューには「鶏手羽と玉子の甘辛煮」と 書いてあるけど、実際は「手羽元と玉子の甘辛煮」に加えて チンジャーロースとフライが入ってた。あとマカロニサラダとご飯。 これで600円は赤字じゃないのと心配になるレベル。 餃子も置いてあったヤツを取ろうとしたら、「お時間頂ければ、焼きたてをご用意致します」ときた。この餃子も6個で260円は破格。野菜と肉とニンニクがちょいと効いた餡、旨い。 焼きそばもキャベツと豚肉が入ってる。 で、極太麺のソースとアブラが絡んでて旨い。 決して300円の内容とは思えない。豚の厚みが・・・ コンビニなんかとは比較にならない。 しばらく休業してたみたいだけど、地域の食を支えるために 再開した様です。こうゆうお店、頑張って欲しい~
コスパが非常に高いです。ボリューム満点、味も満点です。 電話注文も受け付けてくれます。 お店の方も親切丁寧です。
LINEでも予約ができて配達もしてくれるので忙しくても気軽に注文できます。 美味しくてボリュームもあって値段も手頃。日替わりなので飽きも来ないです