Salad Restaurants in Toyooka
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City: Toyooka, 219 Kinosakicho Yushima, 1F, Toyooka, Japan, 669-6101
"The restaurant is open after 11:00 and it was enjoyable."
City: Toyooka, Japan, 〒669-6101 Hyogo, 豊岡市城崎町 湯島219 2階, Toyooka
"Yummy Tajima wagyu beef dinner here."
City: Toyooka, 8-1 Chuomachi, Toyooka, Hyogo 668-0033, Japan
"咖喱和明太子奶油口味很不錯,米飯也可以選擇,紅茶稍微苦,有提供糖和牛奶,下次想來喝咖啡。 店家很親切,整體用餐感覺很好。"
City: Toyooka, 114 Kinosakicho Yushima, Toyooka, Hyogo 669-6101, Japan
"A small cafe with a limited menu but delicious food. Friendly staff and english friendly. Highly recommended."
The Average price for Salad is:
These reviews refer only to the mentioned ingredients.