17 Garlic Roast Beef Restaurants in Meredith (Virginia C. Residence Hall, North Martin Jischke Drive, West Lafayette
No Restaurants for that Dish
The Average price for 17 Garlic Roast Beef is:
Top sirloin roast
- Qty. 4.5 pounds (2,041g)
- Qty. 12 cloves (36g)
Dried Thyme
- Qty. 1 teaspoon (1g)
Kosher Salt
- Qty. 0.25 teaspoon (1g)
Dried Rosemary
- Qty. 1 teaspoon (1g)
Olive Oil
- Qty. 0.5 cup (108g)
Black pepper
- Qty. 0.5 teaspoon (1g)
Beef broth
- Qty. 3 cups (720g)
These reviews refer only to the mentioned ingredients.